Jenny's uncle Kimo rented this lodge up at Sundance the other night for the entire family. We had a blast while we were there. We just played games and had a campfire where we sang a million songs--including Jill and Aunt Robin doing their famous family favorite hula. It was a fun night. Jenny and the boys "slept" over but I had to get home to get up for early morning seminary, so I didn't want to wake up to drive down, get ready and be there at the seminary by 6:15 or so. I overslept my alarm anyway. I woke up at 6:10 and class starts at 6:30. This could be a long semester. I dread the day that I sleep past the starting time. We have three early morning classes at Provo. So we had to take turns teaching them. I figured I would be much better teaching NOT in the winter semester since it will be dark and I will have to scrape my windows like every day. It is not that bad so far.
Speaking of seminary, we made an intro video for all the kids to introduce all of the teachers. I couldn't figure how to get it posted on my blog, but one of the other teachers put it on his. It is long (9 min), and you won't know anybody except me, and it was made for high schoolers (although I personally think it is funny), but if you are interested, have a peek at
the boyles blog.
That was so awesome. YOu should have heard Morgan laughing when we saw the video. I agree with you it is really funny. Tell your buddies at seminary that we appreciated the video!!!
That was pretty good. How did you make that without laughing? Ryan was a little disappointed that his teachers didn't give such a fabulous introduction to seminary.
The cabin looked fun too.
David why didn't you include a video of you doing "a tu a ta a to a ta a to a ta ta"? We loved your great stories around the campfire.
Thanks for the fun weekend, I always love hanging out with ya'll all day. We'll have to go to New York Wraps again to see what will happen since every time I go I almost pee my pants.
that place looks amazing! how fun for you all!
Wow! What a great cabin. I could just imagine how much fun ya'll had.
Do you think you could come on tour up north? I hear Mountain Home would glady have those seminary love songs performed in their seminary.
You all don't know me (or if you do, you don't remember), but y'all's was a good group up at the lodge. Esplin family, right? Have a lovely day!
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