Sunday, July 08, 2007


We went and now our job is to convince everyone in the famiy to go with us next time! Our friends Jeff and Julie called us last minute to see if we wanted to go, so I took the day off work and away we went. Jeff's parents own some land in Fairview Canyon, so we drove down their to their private land up on this cool little plateau overlooking a lake and some beautiful forrest.
The boys both had a great time! They were a handful...Chunky loves to eat all the dirt and rocks and was reaching for the fire the whole time and Jack would just get one of his friends (NaNa or Stitchy) and just wander off, so we had to be watching both every second! But they loved it!
Jeff and I went on a little hike after the kids had gone to bed. He works for the Utah County PD so I was kind of glad when we went hiking with his gun strapped to his belt. This is all Emma's fault, but all I could think about was getting attacked by a bear. Seriously we were up and away from everyone in the mountains, and then on our little hike Jeff told me there was a bear living somewhere on their property. Are you kiddin me! In the night Jeff was snoring (I think), but I dead serious thought it was a bear growling by the tent. I am still not 100 percent convinced that it wasn't. In the morning, Jenny told me she was scared in the night because she thought the same thing!! Yikes! Then we found this...

and this...
The only downfall to the trip--when we were packing up we got attacked by a swarm of flies. Seriously there were like 10 flies on each of us...and they didn't fly away when you shooed them. One of them I reached down and pinched off my arm. It was pretty nasty.

We really had a fun time and want to go camping some more! If you are in, let us know!!


Christy and Brian said...

I would have been scared too!

Brandon and Tina Goss said...

Dude, we know the only bear in that camp was you. Good effort though on the bear foot print and oh, that laid down grass area looks just about the right size of where your tent was...interesting!

Emma and John said...

AAAH! i told you!!! i'm DEFINITELY not going now, seriously.

shannon said...

don't hold your breath on that one...

Julie said...

You guys are the coolest! It really was a bear that you heard in the night! Jeff is a bear!