(we have no pictures, so if someone has them and could send them to us we would love you!)
This BLOG entry is dedicated to all of us running champions who trained for and finished the Provo half marathon. If you are a major runner and think 13 is whimpy, read no further, because I am going to praise us for our great accomplishment!
The run was awesome! I thought it turned out perfectly. The weather was beautiful, everyone had a good time, no one got hurt (that is said liberally I know), and there were free smoothies at the end. May I remind everyone who ran--we all said at one point we didn't know if we could make it...Doesn't it feel good to be done?!
A day later--I have some sore quads, but I can go up and down stairs without anyone knowing that I am sore. John, I want a video of you going up and down stairs!
Perhaps this isn't the right time to bring this up--but we were talking last night about picking a new race to run next year to keep us all in shape. Now that we know we can do it, it should be easier, I think. If you are mega sore right now, read this paragraph 2 weeks from now.
For memory sake--here are the runners and some memories--
Christy, Suz, Chris, John, Emma, Jacquelyn, Josh, Mom, Lindsey, Jenny, Me, Kevin, Teri, Suz's friend's daughter Sydney (sp?).
The beginning, when everyone was running fast and laughing, Josh's comments about this not being a sprint to everyone that passed us, dancing at the bathroom, the unexpected extra long loop at Nun's, John's nasty shorts, evesdropping on other runners' conversations (Christy!), freezing at the top, the random bear story, Christy almost throwing down with the bikers, our cheerleaders and their needed boost at mile 9, nasty shot blocks, Mom thinking she could win at the end, G almost throwing down with the bikers too, the breeze at Bridal Veil, training runs, hip stretches, spiderman stretches, and the fact that we all signed up and made some amazing memories accomplishing something GREAT! I am glad I was a part of it. It will be a fun memory for a long time!
(Thanks to Jenny for inspiring us and getting us going!)