Monday, June 18, 2007

Movie Review

I liked this movie. I thought it was good. Profound, huh? That would be a good movie critique for USA TODAY. That would be awesome. "Four stars! It was good, I liked it!" No, really. I was pleasantly surprised. Now, before you run out this second and rent it based on my trusted opinion, I have to put in my ClearPlay plug. Robin Williams has been known for some crude moments in comedy, but I didn't get any of that with our DVD player, and I think those would have ruined the movie. So...without any crude humor it was a good movie (and I did notice parts where the movie skipped a little and muted, so...). Funny and an entertaining plot. Very political (obviously), but there was definately a political agenda here. It was not as bad as the absurd 'penguins have families and feelings and we should pay much more for gas so we don't drill in our own country in order to protect the dancing and singing walrusi and spotted owls' ending to "Happy Feet". (Yes I said walrusi and I would have said meese if it were appropriate.) We are getting off subject. Back to the basics. Be careful of bad jokes if you don't have ClearPlay. I liked it. It was good. :)

1 comment:

Emma and John said...

I liked this movie too! We saw it a while ago. How do you get clearplay?