h a p p y b i r t h d a y d a v i d
hope you have a special day...
you deserve it for being so amazing...

so talented and fun...

a believer in dreams...

so smart...look at you in front of byuh...:)

so cute with your hawaiian tan, long hair, and boogie board...

still so cute as a dad...

to two boys who absolutely adore you...

and a wife who couldn't imagine life with out you!
Jenny, that was really sweet. Happy Birthday David! I can't imagine John having a nicer, or funnier, or more inspiring brother.
That was really nice. David, hope you are having a great birthday.
Happy birthday David! What a fun post:) (We really know you wrote all that stuff about yourself pretending to be your wife;)) just kidding! Have a great one- 27 is an amazing age!
That was awesome Jenny. Happy Birthday bro! Hope you have a great day. I can't imagine life without you either. You are a great example and awesome brother. I love you.
Loved that! Especially the smart one in front of BYUH cause we all know it takes a smart person to go there. Happy Birthday David! We have so many fun memories with you, its always a good time when you are around even if you do say wierd things sometimes, maybe that's why you are so fun. (owner of peg perego)
Dude, neighbor we totally missed your birthday. Hope it was a happy one! How could it not be with your awesome family! Can you believe you guys will soon be a family of 5! That just sounds cool!
happy birthday david! i hope you had a wonderful day! jenny should have been the one posting all that about you though. hehe
darling...you guys are just great. and i can't believe that last photo of david...he looks not a day over 17!
Happy Birthday David! (in case you don't know who this is... it's Novee) I am so happy that you blog! Only because I practically pee my pants everytime I go through and read yours. And by go through I mean I think I have gone back and read ALL your blogs cause I love it. In fact, my favorite is the one from last September or something when you described what your son "requested" in order to go to bed. Hilarious. I have shown all my friends and family. You have always been so retardedly funny! You have such a cute family. My mom says Hi! This is way too long. Ok bye.
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