Us: Hi, would you take our picture?
Them: Oh, I don't see a picture, it is fuzzy.
Us: Oh, just bang the side.
Them: (confused)
Us: No, really, just bang it.
Them: like this? (timidly tapping)
Us: No, give it a good wack! Really, it's ok!
We figured it out at DisneyLand (how to fix the fuzzy problem). We thought the camera had bit the dust, but on last day I banged it out of frustration, and WALLA! it worked. Long story short (too late), it no longer consistently works with the "single bang", "the double threat" or "the third times a charm" methods, so it is time.
Still, if you know us, this wouldn't be enough. Ghetto flies with us (well, me at least-david). One of the many advantages to seminary is if I want something, I can ask 150 students first what they know about it. Built in research. What do you know, someone in my 3rd period class is a photographer and she sent me to a Web site where it was more than half off Costco price--I know, shocking-- so no, we didn't buy it at Costco.
This could get long because the 'deciding to buy process' was much shorter than the 'purchasing process'--so after a couple late, late nights researching (i got that from my mom) and going back and forth (even though I am usually extremely decisive) and visiting camera stores and analyzing, and then analyzing more, and then weeks into it wondering if I should even get one in the first place and thinking we can still get along just fine with "old banger"...I accidentally hit the order button online (really) and it is on the way. By slow boat of course. So, I am not trying to be fancy, just wanted a new hobby (maybe my only hobby, but we'll get into that another time).
AND I must give credit where credit is due-- although I've always been a bit interested and I have some great models to practice on, I was given the bug by Shannon Petersen, my sister's husband's brother's wife, who is a real person (although the intro sounds like one of those Mormon myth stories) and has amazingly good camera skills. She is for hire by the way and she is GREAT! Her link is on this blog because we are kind of stalker like and look at her blog a lot and we are some of her models on the page:). I on the other hand am not for hire, just doing it for fun. Can't wait to get it and start trying it out. No worries-- there is a 100 percent satisfaction return policy just in case. Here is a picture of it--that's kind of funny if you think about it... (don't do it too long lindsey!)
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You write very well.
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