Thursday, April 19, 2007

New Phone Number Batman!

Some of you may already have this number, but if you don't, this is it:


We got rid of the 801-785-2415 number which was Jenny's cell phone. If you try and call it you will hear the boop boop boop (I hope you don't misread that!), and you will not get to talk to us. You must now dial the new number. We waited for a few months for it to transfer and we kept running into problems. We wait no more. Adios muchacho. No number for you!

p.s. We still have the 801-318-9285 (david's) number also. If you call this one, you will not hear the boops.

1 comment:

Suz (and sometimes Jeff) said...

Nice phone. You know G and PomPom used to have a red phone. I wonder if they still have it?