So Spring Break is done, ya? Well, after Christy's post on spring break and talking to Suz about their adventures, I figured we better do a post spring break post. well...we should have gone to St. George! ok- it would have been fun to go, but when I look back over the last couple of days we really had a good time. I loved playing with the boys and spending time all together. I will miss that on Monday. I loved Jackson waking me up every morning, and when I put him down at night hearing him talk about how we will play the next day, and I will "tackle me". We went on a pleasant family run, and spent some time at the park where Jackson went down the "scary slides" for the first time after we assured him they didn't have spiders on them and Stitch went to show him it wasn't that bad :) The break ended victorious this morning. After pulling the lawnmower plug six thousand times, I decided to give up on it. I borrowed my neighboor's 6.75 horsepower lawnmower and never knew mowing lawns could be so enjoyable. My other neighboor passed by and I explained my lawnmower trouble, so he came over and helped me fix it. When we got it working after cleaning the spark plugs and the air filter and fixing the belt on the automatic wheels I felt like a champion! (keep in mind here, I am no Brian. I have zero handyman skills--although I am learning). I can't wait for next Saturday to mow again with pride. I kind of hope it breaks so I can fix it again. Well not really, but hopefully you can feel the glowing aura of accomplishment surrounding me. Bam! We also fixed the weedwacker. Oodelalli!

you and adam would be fast friends. he has ZERO handyman skills and has been very proud of his new DeWalt drill. hilarious. and i am glad to see Stitch went down the slide too!
Sometimes it is fun just to stay home (even though St. George would have been fun) You should be very proud of yourself and your handyman skills. See you tonight!
Way to go! Way to be a handyman. Fun at the park looked fun too. Christy and I have already been talking about when you are off next, maybe we can plan a little trip then.
by the way...it's Tuesday...day 3...you are walking fragile ground.
You didn't go to St. George but we did get to have the famous strawberry milkshake!! We talked about it the whole way home, and then the next day(or couple of days) so if it's not to selfish to say I'm glad you didn't go to St. George, plus we would of just been jeolous!
I haven't seen a new blog yet. Where is it??? :)
I think that you are going to have to go on probation.
7. New blogging rules: If you don't have a new entry in 3 days you are deleted from everyone's links.
Good job! You should be proud of yourself. (Bye-the way, Disney's Robin Hood is my favorite movie too. Growing up Josh and I used to always request it. Adam preferred Pinocchio.) It was fun meeting you guys in Texas!
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