Monday, September 10, 2007

night requests

You can't get mad at this kid...but he drives me crazy at night time. His "normal" sleeping things are two blankets (Hawaii and Bubbles) his gray pillow, Stitch, Nana, Bibi the bear, and two sippies that have to be filled to the correct level and placed in the upper right hand corner of his bed...oh and his feet can't stick out. Occasionaly he will make requests forever! Like tonight. In addition to the staples, he had to have silky blanket, little blanket, blue blanket, this blanket (the stiched one) horsey (who he has to have in his bed even though he is huge), froggy, Russell the sheep and anything else he saw on the way. Last night he wanted to sleep with Buzz, Woody, Sully, Nemo, Dash and Mr. Incredible, and often he wants every single car he owns to line the side of his bed. I think he is just stalling, but he will ask and ask for specific "friends", and then once you hit a certain one, he is content, says, "ok. night night", turns over and goes to bed. Whatever.

p.s. These are his dinner guests some times...


Christy and Brian said...

I love it!

Suz (and sometimes Jeff) said...

Anything to make them eat and sleep. :)

Julie said...

Dude, I feel your pain! Mine has to do the same thing! But she has to turn off the light open the door a certain amount etc.... And if I do something to tick her off the tantrum is insanely out of control and normally has nothing to do with what I thought it did. Such as I stepped on the side of her blanket or something like that. It's a good thing kids are cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma and John said...

haha...I totally remember being the same way. I would bring all of my stuffed animals into bed (I called them "family reunions") PLUS my troll collection. And this was in first grade- seriously!

shannon said...

totally laughing out loud...that kid sure loves disney! it hink it's hilarious and darling all at the same least he's happy and content right?

Spencer, Erin, Parker and Ben said...

hey you two. I laughed and laughed at this. Kids are so funny. I love Jackson