Friday, November 09, 2007

happy birthday jackson

I know this is late coming...get over it. Our little Jack Jack turned three this week. I go back and forth on how I feel about that. Most of the time I feel like he has been around for more than three years...I can't really remember life without him. And then at other moments I find it hard to believe I have been a dad for three years. Ok, I just had another "situation one" moment. It seems like so much longer than three years...well, at any rate, we had fun and we look forward to another great year.

Jack is at such a fun age. He is really starting to talk our ears off. He says some of the funniest things ( I bet all parents say that.) He often gives Jenny and I his idea on how to spend an afternoon, or what he wants to do and ends it wiht, "Is that a deal?" His new phrase is telling Jenny and I, "yes sir!" whenever we ask him something. He still loves Cars, and has a new obsession with Buzz, Zurg, Woody and Bullseye. He tells us who we are so he can play with us. Jenny is Zurg a lot (or Jessie--the cowgirl). I seem to always be Buster (the dog) or Slinky (the other dog). What is he trying to say? These days I leave for work in the morning really jealous of Jenny that she gets to play with him. I will see one of his games out on the counter at 6 in the morning and want to stay home so bad. It makes me sad sometimes. We love our Jackson boy! And I think he loves us, although the other night I was putting him to bed and he reached out and grabbed my arm, and then my hand, so I went to grab his hand and he interlocked our fingers, then put out his other arm to give me a hug and kiss. While I was hugging him, I said, "Jack, I love you." He whispered back to me, "Dad, I love Nana." Then grabbed his lion and gave him a huge hug. Oh well...

he LOVES his new buzz outfit from Grammy and Papa

he climbs on the couch, pops out his wings by pushing the button, the flies off..."to infinity and beyond!"

buzz and woody...


Christy and Brian said...

Awh! I love you Jack. You are really the sweetest little boy. I was just thinking the other day I couldn't believe that these boys are already 3. It's kind-of scary.

FOREVER 8 AND MORE... said...

let me just tell you what scary is. It is when your boys have boys that are 3.

Suz (and sometimes Jeff) said...

He does make a cute Buzz. I loved that Buzz came to dinner on Sunday. :)

Aaron and Jessie said...

Maile is obbsessed with Jack as Buzz, she wants to look at him non stop. That flying picture really looks like he's flying. good one!

Jacqs said...

I love thst story... that is so cute, and he is so cute!! DId you think you really could compete with Nana