Thursday, December 18, 2008

i h*** snow

no, that didn't say h***, that says h***. Besides the fact that h*** wouldn't make sense gramatically in the sentence, I just felt like h*** was too strong of a word. Especially for a title. And especially for this time of year (don't you h*** that phrase? I do, because if it is no good this time of year, it should not be good any time of year. It is the cousin of the other phrase I h***, which is, "You can't say that, you are in a church!" If you can't say it, watch it, or think it at church, perhaps you shouldn't say it, watch it, or think it anywhere...there is room for context based arguments here, but I digress). Where was I? Oh yeah, h***.

The only thing I can think of about snow that I like is the scripture from Isaiah:

"Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

How can I have distaste (thats better) for something that is symbolic of forgiveness of sin? I don't know. But I do, and right now I am not into it...I am having second thoughts...nope. They didn't last very long.

See ya.


Shara said...

Yes you and your fake dog will be getting a present from us! haha

The Wents said...

Happy Birthday Jenny!!! I love you!