Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesdays (34 left)

Wednesdays used to be my busiest day of the week. It still is pretty full, but now there is nothing to look forward to. My schedule on Wednesday used to be:

1. Work
2. Mow the lawn
3. Go to mutual
4. Take out the trash
5. Watch LOST

Now, this is my schedule:
1. Work
2. Mow the lawn
3. Go to mutual
4. Take out the trash
LOST...I miss you!

In Hawaii on Waikiki they always had movie nights like this one. I found this picture of watching LOST on Waikiki movie night. What a dream!!

Jack loves to watch me mow and then mow "the roads" after I am done. The roads are the lines made by the mower.

We have to stop Chunky from eating the dirt. He LOVES to play in the dirt and eat it!

Some of the new arrivals in our lawn. They look cool, huh? Kind of tropical-like. Maybe the lawn misses LOST too.

Do ya'll recognize the song?


Jeni said...

That just brought a little tear to my eye. I miss Lost too... it was the song that got me...

Suz (and sometimes Jeff) said...

Wow, I thought we had fun watching Lost together at the house, but imagine if we were all in Hawaii. Now that would rock!

Christy and Brian said...

I have to agree with Jenny. I started laughing when I heard the song! I guess I need to look for better songs.

Christy and Brian said...

By the way the song "Downtown" reminds me of Lost. Thanks for bringing that up :)

Emma and John said...

Everytime I hear that song, even on the radio, I think of the first time we were introduced to Desmond. I had actually forgotten about Lost a little bit- now I need it back. How many more weeks?

Hannah said...

I can't believe that Lost is gone until January... I am having major withdrawals!