david took him to the ER and said he was such a trooper the whole time. they did have to sedate him so that they could be sure to sew his lip back together at the right place - good thing there was a good doctor there. can you imagine having a crooked lip your whole life (minus 2 years)? his lip was pretty swollen for a few days, but the stitches are out now and he's lookin good!
Well Congratulations on making it this long with boys and just barely going to the ER. We only made it to 18 months with ONE boy! :)
im sorry but those pictures are so sad! I hate the one with him all hooked up, he is too little, i just want to hold him, but of course he is still smiling in all the pictures, cute lttle chunk!
Poor guy! He's so darn cute! How are you guys? Long time no see, let's do something!
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